International Holocaust Remembrance Day

                                      International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Auschwitz-Birkenau, the German Nazi concentration camp and extermination centre, was liberated in 1945. To commemorate the victims of the Holocaust, The United Nations General Assembly designated January 27th, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The City of Mińsk Mazowiecki (Poland) and the Museum of the Minsk Land are honoured to invite you to a commemoration for the victims of the Nazi death camps.

In Auschwitz, citizens of almost all German-occupied European countries, the vast majority of them Jews, were imprisoned and murdered.

HAMEC, the Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center in Philadelphia USA, and WE ARE HERE! Foundation’s Project for Upstanders in Perth Australia, in cooperation with the City of Mińsk Mazowiecki, are honoured to organise an online meeting with Holocaust Survivor David Tuck on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The aim of the event is to pay tribute to the victims of the Holocaust and prevent acts of genocide in the future. May the tragedy of the Second World War and the Holocaust be a warning to present and future generations against hatred, racism and prejudice.

Katarzyna Łaziuk

Kierownik Wydziału Promocji, Kultury i Sportu

Head of the Public Relations and Culture

The City of Mińsk Mazowiecki


Thursday, 27 January 2022 

Johannesburg 6.30pm; Warsaw 5.30pm; London 4.30pm

Philadelphia &  EST  11.30am; CST 10.30am; LA & PST 8.30am

Friday, 28 January 2022

Sydney & Melbourne 3.30am; Brisbane 2.20am; Perth 12.30am 

To attend this event online, email for the link.

HAMEC: Our mission is to educate students and adults, personalizing the Holocaust so that they learn the consequences of racism, ethnic cleansing, and intolerance. The Holocaust was a watershed event, not only in the 20th century, but in the entire history of humanity. Our Educational Programs serve the five-county area of Greater Philadelphia and beyond. We offer a variety of educational programs, including eyewitness testimonies, personal interactions with eyewitnesses, two live theater performances, and docent-led museum tours.

WAH!: The objective of our WE ARE HERE! project is to promote Human Rights and Social Justice through the principle of choosing to be an Upstander. Our focus is on language, literature, music, film, the arts, and other cultural forms. We feature the Partisans’ song, long revered by Holocaust survivors, including to this day. The very words embrace the understanding of what it takes to be an Upstander, and not a bystander. The message is relevant today both in the school yard, the sports field, and on the internet, to counter discrimination and cyber bullying.

Katarzyna Łaziuk: Head of Public Relations, Culture and Sports Department in the city of Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland. Experienced in organizing educational projects in a field of the Holocaust Education.  An initiator of Days of Jewish Culture “The Close and The Distant” She creates educational materials for teachers on the Holocaust and Human Rights. Leader of Dialogue and Ambassador to POLIN. She is the national coordinator for Poland at The Olga Lengyel Institute.

The World Belongs To Me

N E W  M U S I C A L  T H E A T R E  P R O D U C T I O N ,

T H E  H O L L O W  C A U S E ,  R E L E A S E S   O F F I C I A L  S I N G L E :

“ T H E  W O R L D  B E L O N G S  T O  M E . ”

The Hollow Cause cast teamed up with The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra to perform “The World Belongs to Me”–the first song release from the upcoming musical, The Hollow Cause. Filmed at The Perth Hebrew Congregation, the clip features the dynamic and powerful voices of Vin Trikeriotis (Jesus Christ Superstar) and Morgan Cowling (Phantom of the Opera USA Tour), singing a love ballad between two headstrong main characters that allow themselves to become gradually more vulnerable as the song progresses. 

The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra’s conductor, Sam Parry, became involved when The Hollow Cause musical production creator, Keshet, reached out simply for professional revision. Parry was so impressed with the quality and freshness of the music that he suggested a collaboration between the stage musical and The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra. 

When asked about the selection of the largest WA synagogue, The Perth Hebrew Congregation, as the choice for the video clip setting creator Keshet responded; 

“Our location was selected for two reasons: 

1) Orchestral music tends to be recorded in big halls, and churches are quite a popular choice but recording in Synagogues is not something that is explored much. The Synagogue provided unique acoustics for our song recording. 2) The Hollow Cause is a Jewish tale of surviving during the Holocaust. We felt that recording in a Jewish sacred place, coupled with the fact the stage we performed on was donated by an Auschwitz survivor, created an amazing connection to the music we generated.” 

The official clip is being released  today, 21 May 2021

The World Belongs to Me – The Hollow Cause Cast feat. The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra

The World Belongs to Me – The Hollow Cause Cast feat. The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra

The cast of The Hollow Cause and The West Coast Philharmonic Orchestra have united to capture “The World Belongs to Me”; performed at the historic Perth Hebr…

VIDEO – Source:

The song will also be available from May 21st on all streaming platforms, including BandCamp. 


For more information please email

Eli Rabinowitz

The Perth KehilaLink