News from Marek in Orla

It is ironic that most of us are unaware of our origins in Orla, Marek Chmielewski has made a great effort on our behalf to assure today’s current residents of Orla does. Marek, the mayor of Orla, has implemented programs in the local school and annual events about its forgotten past, much of which are at his own cost. The following video commemorates the 72nd anniversary of the liquidation of Orla of its Jews that occurred on November 4, 1942. All of the guests are residents of the village. Some of the names on the wall commemorating those that perished are our direct relatives.
Documentary film trailer

May 2021
We, here in Orla, try to honor the memory of our Jewish neighbors. I personally funded the monument, see below. Every year we organize Remembrance Days together with the March of Remembrance – the uploaded film is a report from similar celebrations. I am sending you links to other events that I organize in Orla
Orla. 3 XI 2014
Koncert Nickolai’a Haskina odbył się w ramach reallizacji Programu dialogu Żydowsko-Chrześcijańskiego SHOMER International z Białorusi.
Other links:
New memorial fund by Marek Chmielewski
A Tale of the Living World – Commemoration of Jewish Poland:
Includes Marek Chmielewski , Mayor of Orla
May be an image of one or more people and text that says "possessed, let me stress that, in the positive meaning of the word,"
Best wishes
Marek Chmielewski
Orla Poland