Jewish Museum Kaliningrad Exhibition

Dear friends, relatives and contributors to the project

In March 2021 we were able to inform you that our association has received the grant notification from the German Foreign Office for a project funding of the permanent exhibition “Museum New Synagogue Kaliningrad/Königsberg”. Since then, under pandemic conditions, planning was carried out, tendering procedures were held and with the help of a special carpentry workshop, a model maker and many media technicians, an exhibition was created that is precisely tailored to the hall in the synagogue in Kaliningrad. The completion of the production on February 24, 2022, with the international crisis that began on that day, made the transportation to Kaliningrad a major challenge.

But on September 16, we got the last digital object of the exhibition up and running on site. On Sunday, September 18, the exhibition was presented to the Jewish Congregation and went live.

The exhibition, as well as the accompanying museum website, are multilingual throughout. More details can be found on the Internet and social media.

The entire process was accompanied by the local managing director, Mrs. Julia Oisboit, who continues to be the contact person in Kaliningrad for all matters concerning the museum.

We thank you very much for your contribution to our work and remain with many greetings

Ruth and Michael Leiserowitz

Facebook: DE @judeninostpreussen EN @jewsineastprussia

Juden in Ostpreussen e.V.

Postkasten 48
Friedrichstr. 95

10117 Berlin, Germany

Vereinsregister Amtsgericht Charlottenburg

Eintrag Nr. 24883 Nz

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