We introduce 8 children to the visitors of the museum. The museum is not only in a living synagogue on the site of a historical synagogue, it was also the site of a Jewish school during Nazi time. It united the Jews in this difficult time, it was an island of Nazi free ideology, it was a place where parents could come at Fridays to enjoy Shabbat activities during this terrible times where Jews were rejected everywhere else in town. The children learned languages and were fit for leaving to other countries (and support their parents in foreign languages). A place of Jewish empowerment.
So we wanted to make it very special and invented a special machine. We created the “glowing wheel”, it works like a computer mouse. First an introduction with children paintings of heart strings, that were connecting them all around the world. Than you can choose between 4 languages Russian, English, German and Hebrew. Than you can look at the 8 Stories, videoclips with photos, interviews and animated elements, sounds, music, voices….
We developed it from the scratch with our very good creative company in Leipzig (Germany) and a media company.
Facebook: DE @judeninostpreussen EN @jewsineastprussia
Juden in Ostpreussen e.V.
Postkasten 48
Friedrichstr. 95
10117 Berlin, Germany
Vereinsregister Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Eintrag Nr. 24883 Nz
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